Work Experience
Sr. Analytics and Web Contractor
MOT2 - Ann Arbor, MI / London, ON
January 2023 - Present
Senior technical and marketing resource for a variety of early to mid-stage businesses in the US, Canada
and El Salvador.
- Built end-to-end custom analytics, bookkeeping, sales tracking, and inventory management
solutions with Python to optimize product mix, reduce lead times, and increase sales.
- Created dynamic websites and data analytics solutions tailored to business needs using CSS,
Node.js, Express, and Bootstrap.
- Developed customized online marketing strategies for social platforms such as Facebook and
Instagram to drive targeted engagement and conversions.
Sr. Solutions Consultant
Solvenna - Chicago, IL
September 2022 - January 2023
Senior ELT/ETL solutions developer optimizing the marketing efforts of multiple clients.
- Developed, maintained, and quality assured RedPoint Data Management (RPDM) and RedPoint Interaction (RPI)
solutions in pre-priduction and assited with migration to production with client stakeholders
- Monitored and verified data integrity in output SQL database tables for periodic ETL/ELT processes
- Tested, modified, and upgraded API connections to source prior to deployment
Technical Analytics Contractor II
Intuit - San Diego, CA
May 2021 - Jul 2022
Technical Analytics resource creating and optimizing processes with the Mint and TurboTax Consumer marketing
- Created a centralized standard SQL repository for all Vertica, Hive, and PrestoDB marketing queries to
optimize the creation,
automation, and delivery accuracy of email marketing list pulls reducing processing time by 15%
- Migrated Vertica ETL pipelines and optimized them for Amazon Web Services data lake daily processing using
Python, Tidal,
Athena and internal automation tools
- Co-lead the TurboTax Advantage marketing email list pulls for Tax Year 2022 automating most of the process
using Alteryx
- Developed QA Visualization Dashboards for the continuous monitoring of data flows and report delivery
Senior Media Analyst
RAPP - Irving, TX
September 2019 - April 2021
Technical subject matter expert in the Marketing Sciences - Experience Analytics team working for a top 10
banking client.
- Managed the BI reporting process for accurate spent and conversion attribution throughout the marketing
funnels for social, display, and search campaigns
- Developed insights and explored patterns about conversion effectiveness by leveraging GCM floodlights and
custom conversion events from social platforms such and Facebook and Twitter
- Assisted in migrating legacy reporting channels to a RedPoint- SQL ELT pipeline and streamlined BI reporting
bringing reporting and QA lag down by 7 days
- Mentored junior analysts and helped them develop their technical skills by working with them on client
ad-hoc requests and side projects
Analytics Consultant
Urban Science - Plano TX
January 2018 - September 2019
Facilitated Toyota Motor North America’s Owner Communication Program Leadership with data insights, reports,
and recommendations pertaining the strategic planning, optimization, and deployment of the program’s marketing
- Generated descriptive, prescriptive, and predictive reporting to optimize marketing efforts and increase ROI
for strategic campaigns
- Developed internal reporting tools to ensure ETL processes' quality and on-going stability
- Streamlined back-end database processes to optimize in-depth reporting capabilities and ensure scalability
- Developed, organized and executed A/B testing to evaluate the effectiveness of ongoing marketing efforts
increasing customer retention
Data Analyst
The Zebra - Austin TX
January 2014 - August 2017
Delivered to the Senior Executive team visibility, insights, and on-going reporting to support sales and
marketing optimization efforts.
- Analyzed and automated commission statements accounting, policy retention, policy lifetime value, lead
conversion reports resulting in a quote-sale conversion increase of over 7%
- Managed all strategic external accounts for the contact center and optimized the leads using multiple
statistical techniques including regression analysis and clustering resulting in savings of over $150,000 over
a period of 2 years
- Implemented the first automated customer service email marketing and retention campaigns resulting in 65%
increase in customer service contact and reducing customer abandon rate on the phone